
@author: Sam Schott (

(c) Sam Schott; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

class main.CustomXepr(xepr=None, mercury=None, keithley=None)[source]

CustomXepr defines routines to control Bruker’s Xepr software and to run full ESR measurement cycles. When creating an instance of CustomXepr, you can pass instances of XeprAPI.XeprAPI, mercurygui.MercuryFeed and keithley2600.Keithley2600 to handle interactions with the respective instruments.

All CustomXepr methods that do not end with ‘_sync’ are executed in a worker thread in the order of their calls. Scheduling of jobs and retrieval of results is handled by manager.Manager. For instructions on how to schedule your own experiments, please refer to the documentation of manager.

Every asynchronous method has an equivalent method ending with ‘_sync’ which will be called immediately and block until it is done. Those synchronous equivalents are generated at runtime and not documented here.

You can use CustomXepr on its own, but it is recommended to start it with the function in the startup module. This will automatically connect to available instruments and start CustomXepr’s graphical user interfaces.

  • xepr – Xepr instance from the Bruker Python XeprAPI. Defaults to None if not provided.

  • mercuryfeedmercurygui.MercuryFeed instance for live feed from MercuryiTC temperature controller. Defaults to None if not provided.

  • keithleykeithley2600.Keithley2600 instance from keithley2600 driver. Defaults to None if not provided.

property notify_address

List with email addresses for status notifications.

property temp_wait_time

Wait time until temperature is considered stable. Defaults to 120 sec.

property temperature_tolerance

Temperature fluctuation tolerance. Defaults to 0.1 Kelvin.

static getExpDuration(exp)[source]

Estimates the time required to run the given experiment. The returned value is given in seconds and is a lower limit, the actual run time may be longer due to fine-tuning between scans, waiting times for stabilization and flybacks.


exp – Xepr experiment object to run.


Estimated experiment duration in seconds.

Return type
